CECE is only 22 She is an
Afro-Scot (as she put it - originating from Nigeria)/ Signed with 'The Look Agency', Glasgow/ Height 5'9 & a healthy model/ Great
bubbly personality/ Often wears her signature Mohawk/ Has been a model for 6
years, worked in Scotland, London & Japan/ Possesses a confident
& strong beautiful face/ An intelligent MA Film and
Communication Graduate/ August 2007 she was announced as a finalist at the
2007 Scottish Fashion Awards/ Listed among languages she can speak are -
British Sign (BSL), English, Japanese, Spanish/ Recently featured in the
Scotland on Sunday Magazine/ Featured in 5 Shows @ the London Fashion Week S/S
She is here to stay, & we love her so keep your eyes pealed out! All images - courtesy of Cece from her FB profile where they are all credited.